Life after embryo transfer


Life after embryo transfer, during the time before the pregnancy test, is an extremely responsible period for the couple, and every woman in this situation should do everything necessary to increase the chances of pregnancy. This article provides recommendations for women who have decided to undergo IVF.

The waiting stage of pregnancy after embryo transfer resulting in IVF is extremely emotionally stressful. And, first of all, a woman is recommended to distract herself from these thoughts and try to have positive emotions if possible. The family should understand how necessary and important psychological support is for a woman after embryo transfer and try to provide it. If you are still nervous after the transfer of embryos, your sleep is disturbed, your mood deteriorates – use simple sedatives: herbal sedatives, motherwort, valerian in any form. Other sedatives should be discussed with your doctor.

As a rule, life after embryo transfer should proceed with some restrictions, and the regime after embryo transfer should be as gentle as possible:

  • have a calm, sedentary lifestyle after embryo transfer ;
  • in the first 24 hours after the transfer of embryos after IVF spend in bed, do not take a bath, shower;
  • avoid any physical activity (housework, exercise, sports);
  • Do not lift heavy things and try not to bend over;
  • Do not drive a car;
  • walks in the fresh air for 20-30 minutes are possible;
  • Avoid hypothermia and overheating (sauna, hot bath);
  • Do not sleep too much;
  • Sleep at least 8 hours a day is recommended;
  • Wear loose-fitting clothes. Jeans and tight pants are undesirable;
  • Eat a balanced food: use natural products without preservatives, protein-rich food is preferable: lean meat, fresh fish, poultry, broths from fresh products;
  • Drink plenty of fluids, at least 2.5 liters a day (natural juices, still mineral water, compotes, green tea);
  • sour-milk products (kefir, yogurt, bifilife, matsoni) – without restrictions;
  • consume more fruits and vegetables containing fiber: apples, apricots, plums, prunes, zucchini, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, salads with vegetable oil;
  • beans, peas, sauerkraut, smoked meats and mushrooms are undesirable;
  • give up pastry and sweets (cakes, buns, cookies, chocolate);
  • Avoid socializing with sick people and being in public places.

The implantation of the embryo after the transfer takes place during the first 40 hours and during this period you should pay special attention to all the recommendations of your doctor.

How do I feel after embryo transfer?

Many patients wonder if there should be any noticeable changes in the body and how they feel after embryo transfer. We have to be disappointed, because most patients do not experience any specific sensations after embryo transfer.

The moment of implantation itself is impossible to feel. Many patients at this time looking for various subjective signs of pregnancy or its absence. This should not be done because none of the manifestations – dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, swollen breasts, the absence of premenstrual phenomena – are objective indicators and arguments for success or failure in this process, as well as any test for pregnancy after embryo transfer. Wait until the 14th day after the transfer for your post-embryo transfer hCG test. Feeling after embryo transfer can vary, depending on the individual woman’s body and psychological condition, but most often feeling normal.

If the implantation of the embryo after the transfer is successful and the pregnancy occurs, there are signs of pregnancy as it develops. Basically, the signs of pregnancy after embryo transfer do not differ much from the symptoms of a naturally occurring pregnancy. As a rule, it is recommended to measure your body temperature daily after embryo transfer and measure your basal temperature. Body temperature after embryo transfer is usually within normal limits. At the same time, many women have an increased basal temperature after embryo transfer. This is a normal phenomenon, which is a consequence of the change of the body. However, if within 3 days the basal temperature is below 37 C, you should consult your doctor.

Hormonal support after embryo transfer

Some patients have abdominal tensions after embryo transfer and have a scanty bloody discharge. This is most often due to the hormonal support of the early pregnancy. As a rule, progesterone-containing medications  are prescribed after the embryo transfer to support the function of the corpus luteum. The prescription of progesterone medications after the embryo transfer is performed according to different schemes, and the dosage is selected individually, depending on the endometrial condition and the level of endogenous hormone synthesis (monitoring over time). If there is a pronounced pulling pain, you should consult your doctor, you should not take the medication yourself.

Diagnosis of pregnancy

An hCG test after embryo transfer is done on day 14. The serum hCG test detects the level of the hormone  secreted by the embryo in the case of pregnancy. In order to be detected, this hormone must reach a certain level. The level of the hormone is measured in special units (mU/ml, mIU/ml) per 1 ml of blood plasma. Hormone levels below 5 mU/ml are negative and those above 25 mU/ml are positive for pregnancy.

However, the hCG test after embryo transfer is not a reliable diagnostic sign, and it is desirable to use it for diagnosis in conjunction with ultrasound. This method is more often used not so much to determine the pregnancy, but for its development (hCG in the dynamics), as well as for the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy.

The doubling of hCG levels in 85% of pregnant women occurs every 48-72 hours, but the increase in hormone levels can be slower and does not mean that the pregnancy is not progressing or that the woman will have an unhealthy baby. HCG levels rise rapidly for the first four weeks after embryo transfer, doubling every 2 days (the quantitative increase for the first 4 weeks is 2.2 + 0.8 per day). However, after 6-7 weeks of pregnancy, its growth slows down slightly and doubling takes up to 3.5-4 days. After 9-10 weeks, hCG levels decrease. Menstrual period after embryo transfer in the absence of pregnancy begins in a few days, and you should stop taking hormonal medications.

Ultrasound to diagnose pregnancy

In modern ultrasound diagnostic techniques, doctors take into account the level of hCG in the serum to make a diagnosis of pregnancy. Fetal egg can be detected only when the level of hCG is not less than 1000-2000 mU/ml, respectively, recommended Ultrasound at hCG signs of at least 2000 mU/ml, which corresponds to 21-22 days of pregnancy. Ultrasound at such an early stage is very important in terms of diagnosing multiple and ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic tubal pregnancy after IVF can occur in 2-3% of pregnancies. It is advisable to use several diagnostic methods to make a pregnancy diagnosis.

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